Ahead of Gingerfest, Killyourstereo.com catches up with Gay Paris.
Entertaining and engaging, Gay Paris are more than your standard local rock staples. Having released their new album in September, the band has since performed across the country helping spread the party Satan spirit. With their upcoming appearance at this month's Gingerfest, Killyourstereo.com caught up with the always affable gents for another interesting chat.
Now, we are approaching the silly season, and Gay Paris are certainly no strangers to a good time. What’s planned over summer?
Peace, love and good will to all Satans. We’re going to take a break to make sure that no saviours get in the way of things and then save the world ourselves. With riffs.
You’re also on the tail end of your album shows. What have been some of the better cities you think best personify this Dark Arts and party Satan spirit?
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Sydney, of course, was great. People here respond well to our ‘see you in hell, love you so much’ message. In this economy? We’re already there. Melbourne is the most conventionally attractive city, and I just feel out of place. Adelaide showed us the wildest Wednesday night of my life. Canberra was probably the most Satan show we have ever played. Probably because of our ethically bankrupt government. Needs more free will/knowledge of consequence. Look, you’ve really put us on the spot here and I just want you to know that we love you all so much. Thanks for the Satans, Shiraz and sore knees.
Last time we spoke with the band was just before the album came out. Now that it has seen release, how has the latter part of the year been for the group?
The main difference between Theory Satan and Practical Satan is physical pain. We’ve being throwing and catching quite a few Satans since September and to be honest, I’m feeling haggard as fuck. Like Atlas with the world, but just made of Satans. Still, if we weren’t doing this, what would we do? Not Satan? Sure, and leave music to people who don’t even thinly veil their lyrics with ridiculous metaphors about the need/impetus for broad scale change in a fundamentally immoral yet widely unquestioned social milieu. Don’t worry, people, we’re stilly making parties.
With your Facebook URL ending in ‘/Gayparis’ and your Twitter handle listed as ‘@gayparismusic’, what have been some of the stranger messages/requests you’ve received through your socials as a result of people mistaking the account for something perhaps a little more explicit?
People trying to lowball us on fees. Shit, we have management so as we don’t have to be unpleasant and money grubbing. C.R.E.A.M. Not really, but it does rule in a certain sense of diminishing marginal utility and opportunity cost. I’m just [offering] words now. Hail Satan.
Speaking of social media, I see Dean has a Facebook fan club page. What would be a viral campaign that you’d almost judge as the pinnacle for the band? The one where you sit back and think, “yep, we’ve made it.”
If you have to worry about viral campaigns, you haven’t ‘made it’. Every day is a grind through variously shitty day jobs. I’m just glad that Satan is there for me, every time I close my eyes. Also, Pomeranian puppies, listening to The Steady As She Goes, that would be cool. If that ever happens, I’ll know that we’ve made it because people read this and then made it happen because a sad, pathetic white dude [said] something and it was put on the Internet. And people cared! Imagine!
...But, enjoy some Dean: https://www.facebook.com/deanpodmorefanclub/
What has been Gay Paris’ ultimate Spinal Tap moment thus far?
Realising that we were a parody. Not a parody band. Parody people. Not good people, either.
What have been some of your favourite albums of 2015?
The Steady As She Goes – MONOLITHS, WAAX – Holy Sick, Monolord – Vænir, Clowns – Bad Blood, Myrkur - Den Lille Piges Død, Born Lion – Final Words, Run the Jewels – Run the Meows, Kira Puru – All Dulled Out . Sorry, a single and an EP in there. But they’re damn important.
What’s planned for 2016?
The removal of unethical social and intellectual traditions from positions of power and the stark public recognition of colloquial evil in the guise of cultural norms.
Catch Gay Paris at Gingerfest this month. Dates and details via www.gingerfest.com.au.