Face The Music Speaker Focus: Dom Alessio

22 November 2017 | 1:42 pm | Artist Submission

Company: triple j - Host of Home & Hosed

How did you first become involved in the music business? With a cunning mix of bravado and fiction, I blabbed my way into a writing position for the short-lived music magazine Hotpress during my last year of uni in 2005.

What's your area of expertise and what experience do you have? Australian music. I've hosted the Australian music show on triple j for eight years and before that I was heavily involved in the Sydney music scene through work at The Brag and FBi Radio.

What topics will you be mostly talking about at Face The Music? I'm not on any panels but, if you make music and you want to get it played on triple j, then you can come and talk to me about it and play me your stuff.

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What's been the biggest change in the music business you've seen over the past 12 months? The rising popularity of streaming services, which I think is great because it gives people an opportunity to experience a lot of different music, and it's helping increase revenue for the music industry too.

What do you think will be the biggest issue affecting the music industry in the next 12 months and why? Breaking into those popular playlists on streaming services, which often are curated overseas. But it's an exciting challenge because Australian music has never been more popular, and there's so much incredible music being made here.

What advice would you give young practitioners in your area starting out today? Work hard. Be a multitasking boss. Don't be a dick to work with. Be available for all possible opportunities, big or small. Have fun. Know your karaoke song in case the situation arises.