EP Focus: Mid Ayr

27 April 2017 | 2:47 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Hugh Middleton

EP Title? Elm Way

How many releases do you have now? We will soon be two EPs deep!

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Alex L'Estrange's studio Luv Basement was a huge contributor in sparking up inspiration. It has a warm, homely vibe about it. It makes you want to dive in and create. Every day was Christmas morning.

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What's your favourite song on it? Looking For The Way Out. I love the dynamics; the clarinet's subtlety dancing in the background and the vocal sound. 

We'll like this EP if we like... Radiohead, The Flaming Lips, Elliot Smith, My Bloody Valentine, Wye Oak, Sufjan Stevens, Big Thief, Sun Kil Moon, Bright Eyes, Augie March, The Strokes, #1 Dads.

When and where is your launch/next gig? 28 Feb, Brighton Up Bar; 5 May, Grace Darling Hotel; 6 May, The Foundry.  

Website link for more info? facebook.com/midayr