Early flights and the flu can't hold the Bloods down from having an absolute ball in Adelaide.
The alarm goes off and I'm instantly regretting catching an earlier flight to Adelaide than MC and Dirk. I'm throwing clothes into a back pack and wrapping blankets around my bass guitar because I haven't bought a hard case yet. I rush to the airport and by the time I get through security my flight is already boarding… but there's still a minute to swing past McDonalds for 1 x hash brown. That's the reward for taking the early flight.
After the usual flight delays I'm finally in Adelaide. It's cold and rainy. I head over to my buddy Bret's office to get some work done. He shares an office space with a couple of pals and a guy who has a heap of kung-fu posters and nun-chucks on the wall. There's also an impressive / scary knife collection. There's also numerous cases of Dr. Pepper… I've found soft drink heaven.
"That's not a knife..."
By mid-afternoon MC and Dirk are in Adelaide. They've both got the flu and decide to head over to the hotel for an afternoon of luxury… aka naps and room service. It's milkshakes, club sandwiches, fries and bathrobes for them!
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The best way to cure the flu.
6pm rolls around and we all meet up at Rocket Bar. The legends from Kindergarden Kings and Swimming have graciously lent us gear and we smash out a handful of songs. Soundcheck wraps up and we're all hungry and ready for some food. Lucky for us Alex from Bad//Dreems and his buddy Jimmy have offered to show us what they reckon is "the best pizza in Australia." Huge claim… but we're ready and willing to give it a go! We jump in the car and head across the city to Amalfi Pizzeria. Pizza is devoured (get the Spinachi) and drinks are had. Dinner conversation includes brilliant topics like child birth, dolphin birth and Chinese cough medicine.
The best pizza in Australia?
Once dinner is done and dusted we've still got 3 hours to burn before we play. Ben & Miles from Bad//Dreems are down the street at The Exeter so we decide that smashing jugs of Cooper's Dark is the way forward. A few jugs later we bundle into a cab and head back to Hindley St. We go back into Rocket Bar… but not before the obligatory photo outside Crazy Horse titty bar.
Swimming have just wrapped up and it's now time for Oscar Key Sung. He heats the place up with his saucy sounds and gets all of the babes grindin' up front. It's past midnight and time for us to play. We jump on stage and roll through our set. There's a legend right up front who is losing his mind… actually high as a motherfucking kite. He flails around the front, comes on stage, runs around the club and eventually sits on the floor in front of MC. It's a hilarious situation and we're all trying to keep a straight face and make it through the songs. What a boss!
Our set wraps up and it's past 1am. MC and Dirk have an 8am flight so they head back to the hotel and get what little sleep they can. Bret, Alex and I are left with a handful of drink tickets so we stick around and get rip roaring drunk.
Next morning/afternoon I squeeze in a hungover breakfast of grapefruit, hash browns and home made apple pie. There's a viewing of Clueless on Bret's couch and a quick stop at Windy Point lookout before flying home to Sydney. Adelaide you were brilliant! I take my seat on the plane and I'm asleep before we even take off.
Till next time Adelaide!