BIGSOUND: Anthony Fantano

8 September 2014 | 3:18 pm | Staff Writer

Business: The Needle Drop

Position/Title: Head Honcho

How did you first become involved in the music business? Through a public radio-affiliated music show that I used to produce for WNPR in Hartford, CT. It's all been downhill from there.

What do you perceive to be your area of expertise, and how did you gain experience in this field? I consider myself to be the world's foremost scholar on what music Anthony Fantano does and doesn't like. I spend countless hours listening to albums of various genres, and then analysing my own reactions to each piece of music within. I immediately share my observations with the world via YouTube, and everybody really seems to get a kick out of it! My experience has been gained via being Anthony Fantano for almost 30 years, which is a personal hell I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

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Is this your first BIGSOUND? Sure is! Losing my BIGSOUND virginity is something I've been anticipating since birth.

What will you be primarily discussing during your appearance at the BIGSOUND conference? Music, Australia, internet, "indie," bands, hype, sweet rap verses, the future, the past, the present, genres, Danny Brown's hairstyle change, noise, punk, metal, and maybe jazz-fusion.

What are you hoping that people will be able to learn from your panel/interview? I hope beyond hope that people will come away with an understanding that the music world is slowly becoming more and more bloated with albums, songs, opinions and hype. Also, there's absolutely nothing we can do about it, and this is, for some reason, awesome.

What are you expecting to take away yourself from your visit to BIGSOUND? Once the riots and looting starts, anything I can get my hands on and carry onto the flight home, really. Oh, and the experience of having been on a continent that isn't North America.