BIGSOUND 2018 Artist Focus Two People

4 September 2018 | 5:49 pm | Artist Submission

Get to know your BIGSOUND artists.

More Two People More Two People

Answered by: Phoebe Lou

Give us a short description of your music: Dark, atmospheric pop. We're all about writing music that means something to us. It has to come from a place that feels. Self-produced in our studio and homes.

Which acts are on your must-see list at BIGSOUND? Emerson Snowe. No Mono.

In your career to date, what have been the key watershed moments? Producing our record. Flying to the other side of the world to play our music.

If you could give your younger self, starting out as a musician, a few words of wisdom, what would they be? Trust your own ideas, especially if they are weird. There will be noise, try not to take it on/in.

Why should people come and see you among the many amazing bands at BIGSOUND? We are fusing electronics with live instruments. We leave room for every show to be a little different. Come find out.

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What industry lessons would you like to take away from the BIGSOUND conference? A little bit more about tax...

What do you identify as the most pressing issue impacting the Australian music industry at present? Mental health awareness.

What music trends do you think are dominating right now, and do you have any predictions for the coming year? Highly processed sounds. Things are sounding a little over produced to us. Keep it real. Hip-hop will be king for a while longer.

When and where is your BIGSOUND showcase? TUES 04/09/18, 256 Wickham, 10:30PM - 11:00PM; WED 05/09/18, The Brightside, 12:15AM; THURS 06/09/18, Heya Bar, 8:20PM - 8:50PM.