Artists to Watch in 2018: Squidgenini

3 January 2018 | 9:56 am | Lloyd Crackett
Originally Appeared In

In 2017, Squidgenini released two singles, vastly different in style yet never compromising in substance, she's queen of the bop that aint just a bop.

SQUIDGENINI has put out three singles now: ‘Fire’, ‘Alligator’ and the most recent ‘Watched By U’. Each distinct enough to, on first listen, assume they are from different artists but that’s part of the magic of Squidgenini – she doesn’t release anything that doesn’t demonstrate progress.

She’s hardly gone under the radar, with both ‘Alligator’ and ‘Watched By U’ being picked up by the blogosphere for not only being amazing tracks but having music videos that truly add to the experience. There’s no pointlessness with Squid – she’s purposeful, driven and above all, has an attitude that is something you just can’t fake.

Released in early 2017, 'Alligator' veered from what had been established with previous single ‘Fire’ – moving from a straight RnB pop sound, to something a little wackier. Animal noises, rapping and even clips of spoken word vocals fleshed out the single into something that was less about being musically pleasant and about getting a point across. ‘Alligator’ was a song about telling dudes to fuck off, a message as old as time and one that became especially poignant on the global scale only months after. The sound production on it was immaculate and fully showcased how Squidgenini’s talents extend far past her voice (which could easily be covered in an entire write up itself). The video was a home-creation, putting together her set of creative friends and talent to unleash her own particular style regardless of medium – an iconic Australian image of the last year should be Squidgenini recreating the Birth of Venus with a bright blue, plastic, shell-shaped kiddie pool. It’s tongue in cheek, it’s interesting and once again, above all, it’s that kind of attitude you’ve got to admire.

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‘Watched By U’, Squid’s latest offering is the third in a perfect trifecta of releases. It’s emotionally driven and beautiful, with and without the music video. It’s a track that at first, seems like words to a lover but with more digging, it’s clear the track focuses on voyeurism as a whole, how we all live our lives watched by invisible forces, fate or whatever it takes it form in your life. Once again, it's this natural substance that accompanies Squid that makes her notable, it's always a bop but it's never just a bop.

Squidgenini is one to watch because she will always top herself, not for those watching her but for she is always watching herself. She’s improving, maintaining an attitude and always working with people who want to help her create the image she desires. She’s got vision, ambition and most of all, she’s got a standard she holds herself to. Nothing she puts out will ever be throwaway or unmemorable, so get on the Squidgenini train now and be happy when you cash those brownie points next year.