Five Minutes with Nath Valvo.
Describe yourself in exactly 140 characters? Talk about pressure! Describing myself in only 140 characters is not an easy task. The word I would use to best describe myself would be a cu
What's the best joke you've heard recently? Ruby Rose' new single.
And the worst joke? As above.
What's a dream you've had recently? This question makes me nervous to answer, because when someone says to me, 'Oh ma god! I had the weirdest dream last night...' Then you have to listen to their dream and it's painful and I don't care. Am I right ladies?!
What are you looking to at MICF? Dumplings. Each year after every festival I gain about four kilograms which is mostly dumpling. Myself and a bunch of other comedians finish up our shows then head down to Chinatown
WHAT: Nath Valvo: Almost 30
WHEN & WHERE: Thursday 28 March to Sunday 21 April, Trades Hall: The Annexe