Album Focus: Mt Mountain

27 April 2016 | 3:32 pm | Artist Submission

More Mt Mountain More Mt Mountain

Answered by: Glenn Palmer

Album title? Cosmos Terros

Where did the title of your new album come from? The inspiration for the title comes from a Chinese restaurant on my route to work called "Cosmo's Terrace" — we never got a chance to eat there and now it no longer exists. 

How many releases do you have now? We've released a demo OMED, a 12" self-titled EP and a double A-side 7-inch Chantry/The Villain.

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How long did it take to write/record? In late 2014 we recorded the first half of the album along with our previous 7" release and returned mid 2015 after a stint of writing to finish the second half of the album. 

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Recording in a proper studio for the first time was definitely inspiring — it was a luxury we previously couldn't afford and we had a lot of fun in there throughout the whole process.

What's your favourite song on it? Elevation.

Will you do anything differently next time? We have just recorded our second full-length LP and I feel our process for the most part has stayed the same, things have just been refined.

When and where is your launch/next gig? 28 Apr, Crowbar.

Website link for more info?