Answered by: Jason Mannell
Album title? Evans Street
Where did the title of your new album come from? We recorded the album in a little house in Lyons, Colorado. Guess the name of the street it was on?
How many releases do you have now? This is our fourth album.
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How long did it take to write/record? The songs accumulated over a year or so. The recording took place in ten days.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? The 100-year-old floorboards of the living room sounded great. The borrowed vintage instruments were amazing. Looking up at the Rocky Mountains was pretty cool too.
What's your favourite song on it? I'm sure we all have different favourites. Currently I'm quite fond of Direction Of Home.
Will you do anything differently next time? It's unlikely we'll go overseas again to record - fun as it was. I'm thinking dirty electric guitars next time.
When and where is your launch/next gig? 14 Oct, Gasoline Pony; 16 Oct, Modus Operandi Brewery; 25 Nov, Camelot Lounge and loads more on our website.
Website link for more info?