Album Focus: Dubarray

23 October 2014 | 5:15 pm | Staff Writer

More Dubarray More Dubarray

Answered by: Brett Gadenne

Album title? Visions Collide

Where did the title of your new album come from? The album is named after the title track Visions Collide which expresses the notion of humanity sharing the same conscious vision to collectively awaken to their potential and awareness.

How many releases do you have now? The band has two album releases now: Ebb & Flow and now Visions Collide.

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How long did it take to write/record? We were writing the album for the past two years. We spent time in various places such as Berlin, Switzerland and Bali in the pre-production then finished recording the album last April.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Mainly our travels and our increasing awareness and understanding of the state of the world and the agendas of capitalist corporations. But also finding peace from this in different cultures and living consciously.

What’s your favourite song on it? I have a soft spot for Serendipity.

Will you do anything differently next time? Always looking at new ways and recording techniques. We would probably try some new precessional strategies on the next CD and experiment more with sounds and worldly grooves.

When and where is your launch/next gig? The Brisbane launch is at The Milk Factory on 23 Oct.

Website link for more info?