I have LOVED the first three shows with the great in stature, talent, intellect, soul and heart, Peter Garrett and his assembled band of wildly awesome musicians.
I am learning so much. I play by ear and feel so it is an amazing experience to learn play someone else's music after so long running my own show. I am completely sober on this tour as I believe it is essential to be 'present' on stage and not off your face in order to connect properly with the band and audience.

You would think that would mean I am less likely to injure myself, wouldn't you! But no! Second show in at Margaret River and I fell off the stage in the first fucking song. I wasn't even doing any daft rock moves! I had spied my cute mum at the side of stage and waved at her, stepped back and BAM! Down I went. Bass player, Mark Wilson (who shall be filed under "Very handsome as well as super talented and a snazzy dresser") had to help me up and once it was established that I hadn't broken anything, we laughed for the next three songs. Bring on the rest of tour!
I may be bruised and a little tired but I'm super passionate about Peter's rad new album and it's an amazing experience playing guitar for the great artist in the live realm.
P.S Super Talent and possessor of the best eyelashes I've ever seen, keyboardist Rosa Morgan and I share an obsession with the silly corners of the Internet. Our current tour fixation: googling Celine Dion being "funny" and the legendary Youtube video of Lou Reed and Pavarotti singing Perfect Day. Highly recommend. I send her screenshots of Lou's stunned face several times daily.
Check out
theGuide for all Peter Garrett & The Alter Egos tour dates.