The Mars Volta

Founded: 2001

Location: United States

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The Mars Volta

The Mars Volta is a Mexican-American progressive rock band from El Paso, Texas, formed in 2001. The band's only constant members are Omar Rodriguez-Lopez (guitar, producer, direction) and Cedric Bixler-Zavala (vocals, lyrics), whose partnership forms the core of the band. The band's current line-up also includes founding member Eva Gardner (bass), Omar's brother Marcel Rodriguez-Lopez (keyboards, synths, percussion), Leo Genovese (piano, keyboard) and Linda-Philomène Tsoungui (drums).


2003 De‐Loused in the Comatorium
2005 Frances the Mute
2006 Amputechture
2008 The Bedlam in Goliath
2009 Octahedron

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