Born: 25 / 2 / 1972
Location: Ireland
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"There is a reason Jason Byrne has been doing this for twenty years..."
"My promoter was saying ‘Please don’t do this.'"
"There’s not as much hauling people on stage to do mad shit as there’s been in the past – but it’s not necessary. Byrne’s at his best when focused, in the zone, and in full comedy flow."
"I hope that the show will form itself as we go along, it will morph into the country or town where it stands."
"I’d never stopped for that long in seventeen years of gigging, and I was worried I wouldn’t remember how to do it. I’m such a fucking idiot."
“We’ll throw in a few Christmas gags and decorate the stage with trees; and I’ll do a wee nativity play with the crowd, as well. Oh, it’ll be a disaster. It’s always a fucking disaster."
Jason Byrne brings his puppetry skills to Australia.