"I hope that the show will form itself as we go along, it will morph into the country or town where it stands."
Can you give us a tweet-length summary of your show? It doesn't have a name, so I hope that the show will form itself as we go along, it will morph into the country or town where it stands.
What was the last thing you couldn't stop laughing at? A budgie with hiccups.
What's your favourite comedy film and why? Right now Nebraska, as I love miserable comedy.
What happened the last time you were heckled? I spent the night in jail for punching the head off the dick; no no, I just dealt with it humourlesslylyly.
What profession do you think would provide the best comic material? Zoo keepers, especially while they look after the chimps!!!
Website link for more info? jasonbyrne.ie