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'The Music' team on the releases you need to hear from 2021.
"Casey meets a fan's repeated, shouted requests for 'I Forgive You' by saying, "I forgive you, too," each time, but never playing it."
And they're bringing Mere Women with them.
Hoooooly shit, this is gonna be good
Thinking music for the those who really think.
"Amy Wilson sings in a stentorian manner, the obvious comparison being a tougher Siouxsie Sioux shapeshifting with the fluidity of Warpaint."
"The inspiration came from a combination of hearing these stories and being isolated and alone myself."
"There was a relaxed intensity that permeated the set."
Their third full-length, 'Big Skies', is set to land this June
"By about three songs into the set, it felt like they were going to tear the roof off the place."