Municipal Waste

Founded: 2000

Location: United States

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Municipal Waste

Municipal Waste is an American crossover thrash band from Richmond, Virginia, formed in 2001. To date, the band has released seven studio albums, three EPs and four splits. They have gone through a few line-up changes, leaving vocalist Tony Foresta and rhythm guitarist Ryan Waste as the only constant members. In addition to Foresta and Waste, their current lineup includes Philip "Land Phil" Hall on bass, Dave Witte on drums and Nick "Nikropolis" Poulos on lead guitar.


2003 Waste ’Em All
2005 Hazardous Mutation
2007 The Art of Partying
2009 Massive Aggressive
2012 The Fatal Feast

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Reviews / Album
Album Review: Municipal Waste - Slime And Punishment

Album Review: Municipal Waste - Slime And Punishment

News / Music
Former Municipal Waste Drummer Brandon Ferrell Passes Away

Former Municipal Waste Drummer Brandon Ferrell Passes Away

Reviews / Live
Live Review: Municipal Waste, Scalphunter, Beer Fridge

Live Review: Municipal Waste, Scalphunter, Beer Fridge

Reviews / Live
Live Review: Municipal Waste, Party Vibez, MetalStorm, Join The Amish

Live Review: Municipal Waste, Party Vibez, MetalStorm, Join The Amish

Reviews / Live
Live Review: Municipal Waste, Malakyte, The Scam

Live Review: Municipal Waste, Malakyte, The Scam

Reviews / Live
Live Review: Municipal Waste, Shitripper, Execute

Live Review: Municipal Waste, Shitripper, Execute

Features / Music
Waste 'Em All

Waste 'Em All

Features / Music
In Thrash We Trust

In Thrash We Trust

News / Music
Municipal Waste Unveil Australian Dates

Municipal Waste Unveil Australian Dates