Alvin Stardust

Born: 27 / 9 / 1942

Location: United Kingdom

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Bernard William Jewry (27 September 1942 – 23 October 2014), known professionally as Shane Fenton and later as Alvin Stardust, was an English rock singer and stage actor. Performing first as Shane Fenton in the 1960s, Jewry had a moderately successful career in the pre-Beatles era, hitting the UK top 40 with four singles in 1961–62. However, he became better known for singles released in the 1970s and 1980s as Alvin Stardust, a character he began in the glam rock era, with hits including the UK Singles Chart-topper "Jealous Mind", as well as later hits such as "Pretend" and "I Feel Like Buddy Holly".


1974 The Untouchable
1984 I Feel Like…
2008 Alvin Stardust
2008 Rock With Alvin
2014 Alvin

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UK Pop Singer Alvin Stardust Dies Aged 72

UK Pop Singer Alvin Stardust Dies Aged 72