Our Entire Life Is A Lie: Here's How To Do The 'YMCA' Correctly

15 January 2019 | 3:09 pm | Lauren Baxter

Have we been doing the 'YMCA' dance wrong this entire time?

More Village People More Village People

2015 brought us 'The Dress'. 2018 had us bickering over whether we heard 'Yanny' or 'Laurel'. And now, just 15 days into 2019, it feels like our entire life has been a lie. Could it be true? Have we been doing the Village People's YMCA dance wrong this entire time?

How bloody hard can it be right? We all learnt it in kindergarten and have subsequently done it plastered at every terrible wedding reception since it was released in 1978 alongside the Nutbush. You just make the letters with your hands in the air. Y. M. C. A. Easy.

Well apparently not. According to the Cowboy (aka new member Chad Freeman) at the Summer Series festival at Sandstone Point over the weekend, we've all been doing it wrong. The correct way involves moving one’s arms to the left to form the letter ‘C’, inverting the consonant.

Excuse me? Not the right!? 

Mind. Blown. 

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Alright, maybe it's not as revolutionary as we thought. After a quick tally around The Music's office (serious journalism), it's about a 50/50, right to left split here. And it does make sense. Mirroring the consonant means those in front of you will read the letters as intended. All the world's a stage right? 

At least now we won't be smacking hands on the dancefloor.

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