Fans Launch Campaign To Get Eagles Of Death Metal To #1 Following Paris Shootings

16 November 2015 | 1:34 pm | Staff Writer

EODM fans band together.

More Eagles Of Death Metal More Eagles Of Death Metal

A Facebook page has been created to garner support for Eagles Of Death Metal to reach the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart following the heartbreaking Paris shootings over the weekend. 

The US rock band were performing at the Bataclan hall before ISIS supporters opened fire and killed 87 concert-goers, while injuring hundreds more.  

Though the band members were reportedly safe from the attacks, the group's merchandise seller Nick Alexander was tragically confirmed dead following the siege, as were four staff from their label, Mercury Records. 

The online campaign is attempting to get EODM's cover of Duran Duran's Save A Prayer to top spot this week and so far the page has already garnered over 6000 likes.

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"We thought it would be a nice gesture to put their brilliant version of 'Save A Prayer' to the UK No.1 spot as a show of support to the band and all of those affected," the page reads.

"For the record no we aren't associated with the band or their record company, we're just fans of them that feel happy to be alive as some of our fellow EODM fans are tragically not now."

On the UK iTunes Songs Chart, the song currently sits at #37, while their latest record Zipper Down is #30 on the Albums Chart.  

Eagles Of Death Metal have cancelled their future European dates following the horrific attacks.