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Is the tastemaker still a trusted source for Gen Z, or have algorithmic recommendations taken full hold?
Last Thursday night, Mountain Goat Beer and The Music pulled out all the stops to create Brisbane’s most unique industry celebration.
Kylie Minogue was a force of nature, leaving the audience in utter awe with every move.
The Queensland nominees for 2022 are officially in...
“I'd love there to be an understanding of how accepting the country music industry is, as artists are of each other, not only from a sexuality point of view, but also mental health and trauma.”
Too cold to go see some live music? ‘Hot Toddies’ are giving you no excuse…
Honouring the songs, stories, faces and voices who have helped us let our pride shine.
As we continue paving towards a future of level playing fields, in the music industry and beyond, how do artists wish to see queer representation progress moving forward?
Honouring the songs, stories, faces and voices who have helped us let our pride shine.
"If we stopped worrying about how much everyone does or doesn’t fit I think we’d all be braver, more curious and much kinder.”