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Here's what The Music's writers rated in 2020…
"This album is real, raw, and true"
"The album navigates all the ups and downs of growing up and trying to find that dreamworld existence."
"An album for the times, bringing a sense of inspiration to find the positives and keep pushing through."
"'Notes On A Conditional Form' offers a loving sense of relatability and authenticity in a world that appears to be falling apart at the seams."
"Carrying so much emotion and vulnerability within such a musically diverse tracklist, every song is instantly catchy."
"'Shelf Life''s chaotic construction brings Violent Soho’s maniacally twisted grandeur to the forefront."
"If you don't dance you’ll cry."
"Slowly Slowly have held nothing back."
"[T]he musically deep, intricate soundscapes tell a story."