Live Review: WATCH: Sage The Gemini 'College Drop' ft. Kool John (Official Video)

10 January 2014 | 8:01 pm | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

Sage The Gemini has released an entertaining film clip for his track 'College Drop' featuring Kool John.

SAGE THE GEMINI is definitely quite entertaining and not only because of his music. With the film clip for his new track featuring KOOL JOHN being released, we have been lucky enough to see the duo in a pretty outrageous and all out hilarious light, even if it is just in the introduction.

'College Drop' begins in probably the most interesting way possible, mainly because it all starts off in the office of Harvard Law School's Dean.

SAGE is just chillin' out with a lollipop whilst KOOL JOHN scoffs down Cheetos as their Dean gives them a lecture about keeping up their grade point average. This entertaining skit goes on for about two minutes before 'College Drop' even begins, so there's a bit of humour before the huge keg party breaks out.

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'College Drop' dives in head first with a very light synth melody with heavier hand claps placed over the top of SAGE's vocals. The track is pretty light compared to his previous platinum single 'Gas Pedal', but putting 'College Drop' against and entertaining video like this, well, who needs a hardcore instrumental when you have one that perfectly suits the feel of your film clip, and is this funny?

SAGE THE GEMINI has his debut album coming soon and if 'College Drop' is anything to go by, it's going to be  good one.

Words by Lauren Payne