Live Review: Princess Cyberspace's 'So Relatable' is so #relatable

18 May 2017 | 7:15 am | Lloyd Crackett
Originally Appeared In

Princess Cyberspace's first music video clip 'So Relatable' is a culmination of twee horrors of the modern social media landscape.

PRINCESS CYBERSPACE'S video clip for ‘So Relatable’ seems to have been ripped from the nightmares of middle-aged person trying to synthesise exactly what it is like to be a millennial. Youth slang, selfies, internet trends – everything is blended together while Princess Cyberspace focuses on herself, focusing on everyone else’s focus on her. It’s comedic in a way that may not exactly elicit laughter but an apathetic ‘wow’, in that it does, in the way that Buzzfeed covers things, gather it all into a digestible broad stroke.

Princess Cyberspace’s video clip is on the nose; there is nothing lost in her commentary, there isn’t any room in which this could be passed off as a seemingly legit rise of a popstar. The absurdity in which the entire track and video clip play off make sure of it. The autotune is obvious and distorted to truly display its fakeness, the graphics waver in quality and the settings switch from animated to real life rapidly, as if there weren’t any difference. Princess Cyberspace made a clip to be relatable, all of the hallmarks are there – the iphone text bubbles, the emojis, the selfies, the group of beautiful young people drinking out of plastic cups. It’s a glib look at youth culture, condemning the construction of an online presence by gathering it all into the few minutes of the music video. An interesting section of the track is the revolving lyrics, in which Princess Cyberspace refers to how she or her proposed love interest are one way online but seem another IRL. It’s this frank acknowledgement of how not necessarily fake the online world is but how posturing it is.

Naturally, Princess Cyberspace thematically draws comparisons to PC Music, both utilising pop tropes, the internet and the absurdity of youth culture. Yet, PC Music sonically has attempted to make music that exists not only at the centre of a discussion but as music in itself, with all the same elements being used and taken further. For example, Hannah Diamond’s music video for ‘Hi’ that features autotune, internet references and an appreciation for aesthetics. Hannah Diamond's track itself however, can be enjoyed separate to the joke, it survives as a song that isn’t solely created to inspire rage in those who do not understand millennials. Princess Cyberspace's 'So Relatable' is so relatable, it's got all the elements that surface level define millennials, without any consideration that anything more should be said on the topic. 'So Relatable' echoes a baby boomer when they drolly complain 'kids don't connect anymore because their instagrams and facebooks'. But, that could be the overall point: a constructed online presence, ornate and awe-inspiring online but in IRL - not so much.

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