Live Review: WATCH: Cub Scouts 'Evie'

16 April 2012 | 11:00 am | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

We're not sure who Evie is. Whoever she may be, we're glad she inspired a clip as cheeky and cheerful as this from indie quintet Cub Scouts.

Sometimes a song comes along and is just so fucking catchy, it permanently embeds itself into your mind. No matter what you do or where it is you go, the song follows. You whistle the tune; you hum the chords and the lyrics treadmill through your thoughts. ‘Evie’… is one of those songs.

Not only does 5-piece indie/pop Brisbane band CUB SCOUTS create infectious and catchy tunes, but they make video clips to match! Check out this colourful, confetti-filled concoction of wonderful.

**Please note that you will probably experience the urge to jump through your screens and join in the madness. PURPLE SNEAKERS does not condone such attempts and will not take responsibility for injury… just, blame Cub Scouts.

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Words by Chloe Webb.