Live Review: Turbonegro, Epics, Bruce!

11 December 2012 | 11:09 am | Brendan Crabb

A unique wall of death for uproarious 'I Got Erection' concluded matters appropriately and reinforced that hopefully the local chapter won’t have to leave their Scandinavian leathers in the closet for quite so long next time.

More Turbonegro More Turbonegro

Given their considerable debt to the headliners – if the musical similarities didn't tip punters off, the sailor's hat would have – on paper Bruce! should have garnered a wildly appreciative response, despite the still sparsely attended room. The Wollongong mob proudly boasted of this being their dream gig, but were predominantly a soundtrack to polite chatter and bar trips. Sydneysiders Epics were greeted more favourably by the rapidly growing crowd. Featuring members of Grand Fatal, Between The Devil And The Deep, Lungs and Nice Guys, there was a tangible sense of positivity, raw energy and enjoying the moment. Short, sloppy but sharp bursts a la Minor Threat and The Bronx were the order of the day and the band seems to grow in confidence with each outing. 

Taking into account that their rabid following could rival the Kiss Army or Slayer fans in the devotion stakes, Turbonegro faithful being so accepting of fresh frontman Tony Sylvester says a lot. President of the London branch of the band's international fan club, The Turbojugend, before landing his new role in place of long-time vocalist Hank von Helvete, he connected with the diehards because he's one of them. His chemistry with mainstay bassist Tom Seltzer, aka “Happy-Tom”, was also a selling point even for skeptics, as was his impressive gut, which more than rivalled his predecessor.

The well-lubricated Sydney chapter were strongly represented, proudly sporting their denim jackets, and the last time so many sailor hats were visible in one place the fleet was in. That they'd waited nearly a decade for a return visit only added to the feel that this was a uniting of the tribe, a celebration, not just a gig. Despite a few grumblings from a minority of their fanbase about song selection, the glammed-up Norwegians incorporated numerous songs from latest disc Sexual Harassment, a welcome return to their punk roots, early on. Tracks about political correctness, drinking and homoeroticism have rarely been so infectious; any semblance of self-consciousness disappeared during passionate singalongs to favourites Fuck The World, Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed, Wasted Again and All My Friends Are Dead. A unique wall of death for uproarious I Got Erection concluded matters appropriately and reinforced that hopefully the local chapter won't have to leave their Scandinavian leathers in the closet for quite so long next time.