Album Review: Tim Fitz - Unscene

19 September 2013 | 5:15 pm | Ross Clelland

Even without the curious spectacle of him making this music happen live, he’s well beyond a mere novelty.

4 stars

The quite endearing and askance Happiness Is Tugging At Your Heart, in its layers and hinted discomfort, is really only one part of Fitz's frayed-edged, little looped constructions. The seemingly brighter ones such as Hollow Years can have the exuberance of a kid throwing his Lego around the lounge room deciding whether he's really grumpy or not. But the darker Fracture and the insistent – if jaundiced – Poem Of Suburbia are sneaky little origami with some rips among the folds. Even without the curious spectacle of him making this music happen live, he's well beyond a mere novelty.