"Mandagi's voice is magnificent and flawless live and the band work together effortlessly."
Melbourne four-piece indie/alt rock band The Temper Trap stumbled on stage just after 9.30pm to a sold out show and an already rapturous audience. They started with Thick As Thieves, the first piece of new material from the band in over four years since their self-titled second album The Temper Trap in 2012. After the first few tracks vocalist Dougy Mandagi paused to say "It's good to be home… Let's rock and roll people, we're only human!"
The band continued with Lost Love and the stunning, awe-inspiring, emotional ballad Trembling Hands. Most fans in the front row knew all the words to the songs and sang the lyrics for pretty much the entire night. This is one band with a hell of a dedicated fan base. Taking advantage of their four year musical hiatus, they playfully teased the crowd with entirely new songs from their upcoming third album Thick As Thieves. Goosebumps were felt all around as the band premiered the new music, with an aptly named track titled Summer's Almost Gone. Mandagi's voice is magnificent and flawless live and the band work together effortlessly and at ease, humbled deeply by the audience's response to their music — indie-rock with depth and soul.
The Temper Trap played another new track Lost, before Mandagi cracked out a tambourine, maracas and drums towards the end of their set. They ended with the absolutely regal, nostalgic gem and crowd favourite Sweet Disposition, forcing everyone in the crowd to sing along before the audience erupted in applause and demanded an encore. Waves of "One more song!" were repeatedly chanted for minutes before the band happily re-emerged on stage beaming from ear to ear. After playing a handful of old favourites, they ended with their infectiously catchy new release Fall Together.