It’s probably up to you to go with them as they dig around their psyches, or if you just want to remember the balloons.
As The Flaming Lips continue their (often chemically enhanced) journey, it was kind of inevitable things could get a little darker somewhere along the way. If the title didn't provide enough hint, this is a music and lyrical concern of an altogether bleaker place.
There's flashes of light through fogs of old synthesisers set to 'fuzzy', while Wayne Coyne's identifiable helium-edged voice often sounds trapped in that bubble, rather than strolling out to grinningly greet the audience as previously. Those looking for the philosophies of the easiest Lips' reference point - the mortality-accepting but life-affirming Do You Realize? – may well get overwhelmed by the brow-furrowing questioning and clenched fists in a lot of this.
One thing you have to work out is whether the angst is existential and big-picture – as a title like Butterfly, How Long It Takes To Die might suggest – or just a man dealing with more personal fear and upheaval. Coyne's 25-year marriage is believed to have splintered, which gives unexpected spits like Try To Explain's opening wistful sneer “Isn't it wise loving someone/They telling lies” a different context.
Either way, You Are Alone. And perhaps this isn't the record to listen to if you are, or you may just end up in foetal position on your bed, rocking back and forth, and hugging your teddy. Which is probably about as close as we'll get to the Flips' 'good old days' of a stage full of furry animals. It's probably up to you to go with them as they dig around their psyches, or if you just want to remember the balloons.
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