Live Review: The Field, Barker, Basic Mind

28 October 2015 | 3:31 pm | James Hunt

"His music often follows a pattern of elegant chord progressions harmonising smoothly with ambitious vocal chops and subtle percussive flavours."

Despite an opening slot, local luminary Basic Mind stuck true to his roots with a blistering and unforgiving set full of acid techno, including some blessings from his own crisp production artillery. Being considered the "official" afterparty of the illustrious Camp Doogs event over the weekend, there was a particularly generous spill over of exhausted but persistent black-footed party-goers. The sounds of the paradoxically squelchy but clean ultimately prevailed with an early animated crowd. It is no doubt an exciting time for the local youngster, who represents a cluster of like-minded, forward-thinking young talent in the Perth techno scene.

The influential sounds of Barker then followed, who keenly subscribed to a DJ set performance that consisted largely of different variants of techno. The set took an unexpected but welcome turn towards the end though with some funkier oriented rhythms, including some especially groovy percussive sounds from the likes of Night Slugs head honcho L-Vis 1990. Although typically perceived as a collaborative pairing alongside long time companion Baumecker, Barker definitely demonstrated his prowess in his solo efforts on the night.

The ever progressive and experimental sounds of Axel Willner, aka The Field, are always a delight for the auditory system, and the night failed to prove otherwise. A musical visionary of sorts since the mid noughties, although Willner doesn't stick to a particular formula, his music often follows a pattern of elegant chord progressions harmonising smoothly with ambitious vocal chops and subtle percussive flavours. Providing an impressive live set-up that comprised purely hardware, the Stockholm born wonder-boy of electronic dazzled a crowd that he had under his thumb before he even began. Clothed in a snug black fisherman's beanie and a black button-up tee, Willner periodically sipped on a black liquid of sorts between complex and atmospheric build-ups. Starting with a prolonged ambient intro version of No. No... made for all the more ecstasy when the familiar rounded kick drum of its original counterpart finally dropped to the delight of a responsive crowd. The set was made up almost exclusively of material from his most recent 2013 album Cupid's Head, including a certain 12-minute title track highlight. Gratefully, some pleasing unfamiliar soundscapes interspersed through the set also gave great hope for upcoming material for the thrilling Swedish producer.