The Campaign is a surprisingly heart-warming tale about a small town naïve nobody that takes it to the bigwigs of US Congress. Don't stress, Will Ferrell hasn't taken a role in a political drama, not a chance. Director of the local tourism centre, Marty Huggins (Zach Galifianakis), is put up to run against long-standing Congressman Cam Brady (Ferrell) for their district seat in North Carolina. Hilarity ensues. However, any tears brought to eyes are more likely to be because through being grossed out by ghastly kissing scenes than the actual comedy on screen, though the performance of housekeeper Ms Yao (Karen Maruyama) aisle-rollingly funny. You won't be quoting The Campaign in a manner similar to that of Anchorman and its lines implanting themselves in our daily vernacular is unlikely, but it does have some solid laugh-out-loud moments, even if they are predictable. The Campaign is definitely worth a watch and possibly even a second.