Album Review: Spiral Stairs - Doris & The Daggers

22 March 2017 | 1:49 pm | Dylan Stewart

"An enjoyable listen and a welcome return."

More Spiral Stairs More Spiral Stairs

You may know Scott Kannberg as a founding member of Pavement, but to many he's also known as Spiral Stairs.

Doris & The Daggers is his second record under this moniker (the first: 2009's The Real Feel). The four years Kannberg spent living in Australia have left their mark on this album, with The Go-Betweens-y inflections found across the ten tracks and an unmistakable ode to Melbourne, Trams (Stole My Love). The depth of Doris... makes it unlike any Pavement record, but the local references - to Australia, Scotland and elsewhere - make it an enjoyable listen and a welcome return.

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