
25 January 2016 | 1:13 pm | Danielle O'Donohue

"Page gives his audience plenty to think about once they've left the theatre."

This year marks Stephen Page's 25th at the helm of Bangarra Dance Theatre. It's a remarkable achievement and an association that continues to offer Australian and international dance audiences thrilling and thought-provoking indigenous performance. Instead of sitting back and waiting for the accolades to roll in, Page has been hard at work preparing a gift for Bangarra's fans, a feature film that, like his stage work, is both dazzling and challenging.

Much more than just a cinematic setting for a Bangarra performance, Spear gives the audience a front row seat as a young indigenous man, played by Page's son Hunter Page-Lochard, goes on a journey through his culture and explores his place in modern Australian society. With dialogue at a minimum, Page's brother David has creating a soaring score that sits beautifully over the visuals and draws the viewer into Page's stunning vision.

The director does not shy away from difficult imagery; the prison sequence is particularly affecting. But Page also knows how to take advantage of his medium. The dance sequences have been beautifully filmed by cinematographer Bonnie Elliott and edited by Simon Njoo.

This movie is a visceral thrill but Page also gives his audience plenty to think about once they've left the theatre.