Sammy J: Potentially

15 April 2013 | 9:10 am | Matthew Ziccone

While the ending seems quite anti-climactic, Sammy J’s first full length solo hour is killer and this guy is only getting better.

Sammy J is away from puppet friend Randy this year and its worth seeing him strut his stuff. The show works itself around an unfinished children's story manuscript that Sammy wrote as a child. From there, the story is a backdrop for mistakes made, stories told and songs about awkward plane flights and ninjas. What's great about Sammy J is his ability to create heart and feeling in his show, flip it and bring out a cruel perspective to his content. His presence on stage makes the venue, while quite large seem amazingly intimate.This style of comedy is smart, witty and while it may feel like you know what's coming, you will be wrong, he knows the rules to mess with them. While the ending seems quite anti-climactic, Sammy J's first full length solo hour is killer and this guy is only getting better.