Live Review: PREMIERE: Strange Talk May Mixtape

3 May 2013 | 3:21 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Strange Talk have kindly granted us an exclusive premiere of their May mixtape, band member GERARD SIDHU talks us through it's creation...


The lads from STRANGE TALK love playing the odd DJ set. Deviating from their live show to perform in a more relaxed environment and show their musical taste off to their fans is something that they value highly.

They've kindly granted us an exclusive premiere of their May 'Mash Up' mixtape, band member GERARD SIDHU talks us through the process of it's creation...

"It's taken me 2 weeks, a week to search and find the tracks I wanted to use and a week to put together. I created the mix on the fly (live) in Ableton with a APC 40 controller, so it took me a while to get the arrangement sorted and know what tracks were dropping in and out and where. I would have gone through hundreds of tracks before settling on these final 50, seeing how they work with other tracks and how they work in the mix at a whole. Once i got a rough idea of what tracks I wanted to use it was how to use them and where, taking into account which ones were in similar keys and bpm.

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It was definitely a lot more time consuming then I thought it would be but I think its came out pretty well and I'm really happy with the final mix. As you may be able to tell we draw a lot of inspiration from Soulwax/2 many djs and girl talk, love their music taste and ability to mash tracks together.

It will be really interesting to see how many tracks people can hear and pick out as some are used for 3 minutes and others for 3 seconds, I think thats what makes it really interesting... this mix is constantly evolving and moving.

This mix is a real reflection of our musical taste and what people can expect to hear from a STRANGE TALK DJ set!!"

STRANGE TALK's debut album 'Cast Away' is out now, give it a purchase on iTunes.