Returning back to reality, we fear we will never be impressed by another party trick again.
Chirpy flight attendants welcome us into the National Institute of Circus Arts Showcase, and advise us to strap ourselves in. The class of 2013 are taking us on a journey and they've packed everything, even the kitchen sink. Right from take-off, the colourful cast literally adopt all the usual metaphors for doing everything to make sure we are enjoying the ride. Some casually walk tightropes as others bend over backwards whilst balancing in handstands on poles. The adventure makes us reconsider all things we've previously thought impossible. Cast gracefully swing and plunge from ropes, clothes, poles and anything else that they can get their hands on. Liam DeJong somehow makes throwing his woman (Tamika Bell) around not only acceptable, but sexy and effortless too. And Hanne Grant turns heads as easily as she does hoops, spinning too many to count on all available digits (we tried) whilst flashing just as many teeth.
But even without the juggling, human-wheeling and a whole lot of other stuff that we had never even imagined, the show would have entertained with humour and dancing alone. Twerking, shimmies and high kicks run rife throughout, with one kiss-locked sequence really putting the ol' side-step to shame. Returning back to reality, we fear we will never be impressed by another party trick again.