Live Review: Methyl Ethel, BRONCHO, Ada Lea

24 June 2019 | 12:19 pm | Alicia Ogley

"Webb shines on 'Post-Blue', with fans in awe as he hits the high notes with his unique voice."

More Methyl Ethel More Methyl Ethel

Ada Lea appears wearing a white lace dress and gold tinsel earrings. The scattered crowd draws closer to the stage as her beautiful, high-pitched voice flows through the venue. The Montreal-based singer performs in a delicate way as her guitar echoes through the room. The people in the room are quiet but all eyes are hooked on the presence on stage.

Red and blue lights illuminate the stage as BRONCHO play their set. The crowd quickly warm up to their music during their first song Sandman and singer Ryan Lindsey, in his cap and oversized jacket, leaps as he sings their loud and energetic tracks. There's plenty of “Oooooh” and “Aaaaah” lyrics in the songs, which makes for fun and easy singalongs, even if you aren’t familiar with the Oklahoma band. Lindsey howls a few times and the crowd howl back like a pack of wolves.


BRONCHO. Photos by Renee Coster.

The lights turn off and the crowd are left in the dark with spacey music before Methyl Ethel hit the stage to launch new album Triage. Frontman and songwriter Jake Webb is welcomed with warm applause from the sold out crowd and starts playing solo. The rest of the band join him after one song - Thom Stewart and Chris Wright, along with newer members Lyndon Blue and Jacob Diamond. The band are dressed in white, except Webb and drummer Wright, who are in black. Trip The Mains electrifies the crowd with its funky spirit. Eccentric piano bursts into a haunting groove as catchy tune Hip Horror fills the room. Twilight Driving is slowed down a notch, but still as pleasant on the ears as it is on the album Oh Inhumane Spectacle.


Methyl Ethel. Photos by Renee Coster.

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Triage single Real Tight is another crowd-pleaser and Webb shines on Post-Blue, with fans in awe as he hits the high notes with his unique voice. Wow, what a voice! There are a few intervals tonight with experimental sounds that hypnotise the crowd. People have the time of their lives dancing their way through Ruiner and Scream Whole is another highlight, with arms in the air and smiles everywhere as people sing along in unison. The fun continues with Everything Is Forgotten single Ubu before the night ends with a colourful and juicy version of Drink Wine.

Triage is pretty much covered in full – happily, as every song from the album is a gem. It’s their best album yet, and it clearly shows from the love it’s received tonight. It’s exciting to witness the Perth-based band in their prime.