Edible Pets: The Farewell Tour

8 April 2013 | 8:52 am | Glenn Waller

The songs are decent and it is all entertaining enough, however the obvious gags and almost pantomime feel sees the show falling a little flat. Spinal Tap it ain’t.

Playing to a total of nine people, including the sound guy, the show's theme of ageing rock star wannabes clinging to the dream of success has an almost eerie sense of melancholic truth to it. Respect to the pair for soldiering on, though.

The show spans the 25-year history of the imaginary duo's band Edible Pets, from their chance meeting as buskers right up until their final show opening for Dennis Walter & the Keno Dancers.

In the lead up to their gig, the pair rehearses songs whilst reminiscing about the peaks and troughs of an unspectacular musical career. Setting Humphrey B. Bear alight and entering into a reality TV music competition are just two instances the pair remembers with chagrin.

The songs are decent and it is all entertaining enough, however the obvious gags and almost pantomime feel sees the show falling a little flat. Spinal Tap it ain't.

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