Luke McGregor

23 December 2017 | 11:28 am | Keira Leonard

"Have you ever wondered who first decided to test-out riding animals? McGregor thinks about it all the time."

The Republic's Comedy Clubhouse room was full to the brim as they hosted their final show for the year, featuring one of Australia's most lovable comedians, Luke McGregor, who happens to be a fellow Hobartian.  

Host Tim Logan kicked off the night with some cheeky teasing aimed at the audience and reflected on 2017 in a hilarious fashion.

Another local Hobart identity Mick Davies was next, telling us - in his typically humorous way - about his wedding-planning frustrations. The audience hardly had a chance to catch their breath before the laughs started again with Gillian English. English shared the story of her disastrous, but sultry, Tinder date with a guy called Chad (among other things you wouldn't ever tell your mum).

But it was, of course, Luke McGregor who really stole the show. The room reverberated with continuous belly roars.

It's been a while since McGregor has performed in his hometown, having moved to Melbourne some time ago. McGregor started comedy in 2007 and, ten years later, he is doing big things; starring in hit TV shows such as Rosehaven and Luke Warm Sex as well as headlining stand-up shows around the country. There were evidently fans in the audience who were eager to see that same lovable character they've known from stage and screen, and McGregor did not disappoint. His material jumped from testicles in fish tanks to throwing cane toads at murderers to what not to do at funerals. Have you ever wondered who first decided to test-out riding animals? McGregor thinks about it all the time. These strange skits worked so well with McGregor's iconic awkwardness and pure dag factor; it was also refreshing to hear a comedian stray away from politics and 'hot topics', and simply stick to their own narrative. A narrative that is done oh so well. There wasn't a straight face in the room as McGregor exceeded fans' expectations while making his friends and family proud (or very embarrassed!).

It was a night of celebrations for Comedy Clubhouse, as they hosted their final hoorah for the year. They are also saying goodbye to Republic Bar as they venture over to their new and larger venue, Hobart Brewing Company, next year.

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