Winston Surfshirt follow up their massive track, 'Be About You, with a groove-filled number in 'Ali D', which will give you the urge to dance.
WINSTON SURFSHIRT are, by far, one of the most exciting acts 2017 has offered us thus far. With their stunning debut 'Be About You' finding its way into the hearts of pretty much everyone around the country, the pressure to follow that up must have been immense. Luckily, Winston Surfshirt have risen to the occasion with the exceptionally funky 'Ali D.'
What's most brilliant about 'Ali D' is that Winston Surfshirt have found the delicate balance between staying true to the sound we've come to know and love, while also delving into new sonic elements that will excite listeners even further. While 'Be About You' was a swaying, emotionally powerful track that oozed sensuality at every turn, 'Ali D' is a far more groovy endeavour.
It still has Surfshirt's smooth vocals anchoring the hook and smoother flow weaving the verses that'll have you undressing in no time, but there's a dangerously infectious undercurrent of disco layering the entire song. It will ignite an undeniable urge to dance on just the first listen and will have you going all night.
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Of the song, Winston Surfshirt - the man, not the collective - spoke about how daunting it was to follow up the success of 'Be About You.' "It’s a daunting thought putting out a follow up single to our first ‘Be About You’, 'Ali D' seemed like the perfect option from what was sitting in the pocket," he said. "She’s kind of like a big sister to 'Be About You', gives you the same sort of feeling and she’ll make you dance when you don’t want to. Ali D all the way baby!”
All the way baby indeed.