With a new LP entitled Anything In Return being released January 22, what has Toro Y Moi aka Chazwick Bundick have to offer us?
With a new LP entitled Anything In Return being released January 22, what has TORO Y MOI aka Chazwick Bundick have to offer us? The answer to this question is a lovely new track called ‘So Many Details’.
TORO Y MOI has altered his music almost every year, moving from the chillwave movement of 2010, to a more progressive rock approach in 2011. So what sound has TORO Y MOI turned to this time? Let’s see shall we?
An eerie intro of soft synths and a few scattered drum beats oozes its way into the airwaves until a steadier beat, and synth tunes begin to play. TORO Y MOI sings with a slight whisper, making ‘So Many Details’ sound oh so ethereal and dream-like. The track is smooth and feels like it has come from another world, when in reality the man behind this miraculous creation comes from humble South Carolina. Towards the end of the track, more synths are added and layered turning the quiet mood of the first half of the track into an electronic laser show inside your head.
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Described as the “king of the pain-laden off-beat slow jam” and I think that this is a perfect description. ‘So Many Details’ has a slight sadness hovering underneath a blanket of electronic bliss. With his new LP due out in 2013, it seems TORO Y MOI has definitely kept himself busy releasing a new album every year.
In 2010, TORO Y MOI released Causers of This, and released Underneath The Pine in 2011. An LP wasn’t released this year, but after two albums following each other, I think TORO Y MOI deserved a bit of a break. If you want to keep track of TORO Y MOI’s exploits, like his Facebook page so you don’t miss anything that this electronic wizard produces.
Words by Lauren Payne, check out her street on POSSE.COM