The i.l.y's are an experimental rock side project of Death Grips drummer Zach Hill, and have released their 2nd full length project Scum with Boundaries.
THE I.L.Y's are an experimental punk rock side project of Death Grips members Zach Hill and Andy Morin. They have released their 2nd full length project, Scum With Boundaries.
The i.l.y's much like their sister band Death Grips do some very interesting things on their projects, in this case it's mixing elements of ska, electronic and rock for fascinating results. Comparing this with their 1st release, Scum With Boundaries, is a more diverse album by far.
Without spoiling all the tracks the consistent thing you can expect is growling guitars and heavy drums to be accompanied with interesting combinations of different synths, horns and vocals. Some tracks double down on the guitar and drums but most tracks incorporate a new element into the mix giving this album a freshness to it.
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The mood in each song changes while keeping the overall sound mostly consistent throughout the album, regardless of how noisy or quiet the music is it still has the sound to it that just suits The i.l.y's.
Words by Aiden Benavides