Joe Goddard puts his spin on London Grammar's 'Nightcall', making the song more upbeat whilst still maintaining it's powerful and emotive sound.
2013 is the year which LONDON GRAMMAR have risen to shock us music lovers with their mixture of ethereal, powerful and classic sounds. Lead singer Hannah Reid’s soaring vocals are impossible to forget and almost always leave you wanting more.
LONDON GRAMMAR's 'Nightcall' is a perfect encapsulation of their unique sound with a melancholy guitar and emotive vocals. HOT CHIP’s, JOE GODDARD puts his spin on 'Nightcall', making the song more upbeat whilst still maintaining its powerful and emotive sound.
The beat at the start remains strong and consistent and instantly shows that this is not going to be your typical LONDON GRAMMAR song. GODDARD detaches the lyrics so they are in sync with the beat just before the two minute mark. Reid’s voice is still as powerful as it was in the original version of “Nightcall” and you could even say that the exotic beat complements her voice.
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With two minutes to go, the mood of the song changes and GODDARD puts even more percussion into the beat. To our surprise trumpets begin to hoot at the six minute mark in time with the beat and the chorus making it an even more upbeat song then it was at the start.
The blend off sounds and instruments still manage to compliment Reid’s powerful voice making it the perfect song to unwind and have a few drinks to.
Words by Wassila Abboud