Meet EMILY JONES, a fresh new sound from Wiltshire, England. Her voice sounds like an angelic Florence Welch, making, ‘Translate’, a captivating listen.
Meet EMILY JONES, a fresh new sound from Wiltshire, England. Her voice sounds like an angelic Florence Welch, yet still has with an alluring edge, making her debut EP, ‘Translate’, both a captivating and dreamy listen.
The 3 track EP mixes together elements of alternative, acoustic, and electro, hashing them with a more chilled out and yet ultimately powerful sound. Emily Jones’ voice adds an effortless polish to a series of synths, basslines, electronic percussion and soulful piano (played by Jones herself).
‘Translate’ EP is produced by Henry Green who is one busy guy, working on what seems to be an endless amount of music, both his own and of others. This says a lot for the upcoming talent drawn together on this EP. Of the three tracks, ‘Translate’, ‘Bittersweet’, and ‘If You Don’t Mind’, there is not one track that stands out in particular. They are all equal in power and unique. The EP as a whole will both haunt you, and yet somehow uplift you
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With song writing talent to boot, a mesmerising voice, and murmurs of a new collaboration of some sort coming soon, the mind explodes with the possibilities of what Emily Jones could be bringing to our ears in very near future. Keep an eye out.
You can grab 'Translate' EP off Bandcamp.
Words by Madeline Kilby