Live Review: Lanie Lane, Olympia

3 November 2014 | 2:11 pm | Annelise Ball

Lanie Lane proves herself to be more than old cowgirl in Melbourne

More Lanie Lane More Lanie Lane

Red velvet curtains drape off a quarter of the Corner Hotel bandroom, where early birds sit in the six neat rows of folding chairs placed oddly on the dancefloor. Olympia begins a raw, one-woman show with Olivia Bartley wielding only a guitar, with keys and pedal affects creating intricate layered harmonies of her deeply beautiful voice.

Lanie Lane enters the stage to thrilled applause by punters eager to hear new album Night Shade played live. Beginning with the ethereal guitar riff from Salute, Lane begins weaving a bewitching spell over the crowd with the track’s otherworldly vibe. Handing her guitar to band member and partner Jez Mead, Lane is now free to sway gently to the sexy bassline on sultry, slow-burning I See You. Dropping back into cowgirl mode to sing old favourites Like Me Meaner and That’s What You Get, Lane’s familiar sass and charm returns with a vengeance. Sharing some cowgirl philosophy with the crowd, Lane tells tales of going off to make Night Shade exactly the way she wanted without following expectations, just like any good cowgirl would do. Introducing the slow and intimate Olympia, Lane shares the sweet backstory on writing the track especially for tonight’s support act and dear friend Bartley, simply to encourage and inspire her. With The Phantom, Lane and band offer the most compelling performance of the set. Lane croons through the track’s gentle opening before taking a little breather lying flat on the floor. Jumping back up to deliver a smoking vocal without missing a beat, Lane’s performance is given extra sass by Mead and guitarist Aidan Roberts switching to the horns. With trumpet and trombones blaring, all eyes and ears in the room are glued to the stage.  

Cheerful and rockier track Celeste gets a few chicks standing to the sides dancing and twirling around in their own lost reverie. Rockabilly Bang Bang then inspires average attempts at swing dancing by said chicks, as well as an entertaining, guitar riff frenzy courtesy of Roberts.

Returning for the encore, Lane finishes off with the contemplative Mother, featuring some chilled, soothing moments of slide guitar. Again thanking everyone profusely for coming, sweet lady Lane implores all to come chat with her at the merch table afterwards. A soulful, endearing blend of the old and new, Lane proves herself beyond anyone’s old cowgirl expectations tonight.