Album Review: Hostile Object - Cave In

26 May 2015 | 3:07 pm | Mark Hebblewhite

"Sounds like a knife fight between members of Mindsnare, Poison Idea and Black Flag after a particularly heavy night on the tiles"

More Hostile Objects More Hostile Objects

Sydney’s Hostile Objects make ugly music for disturbed people.

Cave In, the latest in a growing line of short and sharp 7” and demo recordings, sounds like a knife fight between members of Mindsnare, Poison Idea and Black Flag after a particularly heavy night on the tiles. The title track veers from blastbeats to head-crunching dirge while Waiting To Drown and The Walkers lack any vestiges of subtlety, instead just going for the jugular. These tunes also sound incredible, with a thick bottom end and in-your-face guitars. An eight-minute investment in sonic brutality you won’t regret.