Hair To The Throne

11 February 2016 | 3:27 pm | Mark Beresford

"This Cabaret is wonderful in its campness, ability to make a willing (or sometimes unwilling) crowd participants squirm and laugh at the same time."

Marley MacQueen's latest show Hair To The Throne continues the journey of Celebrity Bikini Waxer Rosa Waxoffski and her partner in crime Boris Longschlongadongski.

This Cabaret is wonderful in its campness, ability to make willing (or sometimes unwilling) crowd participants squirm and laugh at the same time as well as MacQueen's off the wall pop culture jokes.

Despite opening night jitters, there is no denying the crowd's adoration for the show though it feels that the side kick Boris may well have stolen the show through his own dry shtick.

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