Live Review: Guitar Wolf

6 December 2017 | 5:15 pm | Darren M. Leach

"It's crazy to think this has been going for 30 years."

More Guitar Wolf More Guitar Wolf

Ear plugs? Check. Black clothing? Check. Ok, you're all set for an ear bleeding show by the cult Japanese band, Guitar Wolf. I should write that in caps since that's how you should say it - GUITAR WOLF!

They entered the stage with swagger, dressed to the nines in black and sporting dinosaur masks! Dare I say they looked more punk rock than The Ramones?

Right after frontman Seiji ('Guitar Wolf') drowned his mask in a can of beer - clearly dinosaurs aren't big drinkers - the "1, 2, 3, 4" kicked in and the music shredded through the speakers. Que the crowd to go nuts. The Ed Castle isn't the biggest room but goddamn does it suit this style of punk rock. The Ramones are an obvious comparison, but while their music is easier to digest, Guitar Wolf are better taken in live show form. Their recordings might seem abrasive and full of distortion, but live it is anything but. The energy never dies and the fun factor is high.

Let me stress that when you see Guitar Wolf for their live show, the music comes second. They are a highly entertaining band and you're left wondering what is going to happen next. They're entertainers first and musicians second, but that's not saying they can't write a catchy punk rock lick. Seiji screamed down the mic - earplugs were a good choice - while other times he leapt into the air and even crowd surfed. He didn't need any encouragement with either. UG ('Bass Wolf') kept the rhythm going while Seiji just played what he damn well pleased. No one cared if he was off key. Toru ('Drum Wolf') didn't stop playing the entire time, he is one fit lad. He aggressively attacked his stripped-back kit like it was a sworn enemy.

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They formed in the late 1980s, and it's crazy to think this has been going for 30 years. From the huge cheers throughout the show, this writer and the crowd hope they don't hang up their leather jackets anytime soon.