Live Review: Groom On The Move Musical Fundraiser

27 July 2013 | 8:18 pm | Jeffrey Kitt

Kevin Parker was joined by Tame Impala bandmate Cam Avery, along with the keyboardist from Cosmo Gets, for a one-off performance under the stellar name Kevin Spacey.

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Having something stolen is a stressful event. Having your car stolen is a whole new level. Couple this with the fact you are in your third trimester of pregnancy. This is the situation Felicity Groom found herself in over the weekend as a criminal took off with her prized vehicle.

Thankfully, Perth's prodigal son and Tame Impala frontman Kevin Parker – along with a slew of talented local musos – stepped in to lend a hand. A quiet Monday evening turned into a raucous musical fundraiser in The Bird as music lovers from around the city turned out in their droves to witness the feel-good sets. This reviewer arrived just as Electric Toad was taking the stage. The local lads certainly set the tone for the evening as they smashed out an impressive and energetic set. The boys debuted a number of new tracks and their original material is consistently strong.

The band is definitely dedicated to their craft – the frontman seemed to tear a vocal cord as he soon begged the crowd for a sip of their beverage. The small stage struggled to cope with their high energy as even more musicians joined the group for the final tracks. It all came to a head in one final, hilarious moment as the bassist was up-ended over the drum kit by the rollicking vocalist and relegated out of action for majority of the set closer. A small intermission followed as the crowd swelled to get prime positions for the main event. Parker was joined by Tame Impala bandmate Cam Avery, along with the keyboardist from Cosmo Gets, for a one-off performance under the stellar name Kevin Spacey. With Parker on drums and Avery supplying impressive bass runs, the lads lead listeners through some great psychedelic sounds. Avery informed the crowd that the three had gotten together just that afternoon and it was certainly a joy to hear their impromptu jams.

The heavily pregnant Groom added unrehearsed vocals for a track and clicked instantly. Even moments where the three struggled to close out a song in harmony added to the live jam appeal. Kevin Spacey – in their one and only show – obliged with an encore the only way they knew how: on-the-spot-make-it-as-we-go. This takes serious musicality, and was nothing short of fantastic. It is exceptional that Parker continues to give to the local music scene. The fundraiser turned a negative situation into a positive and gave immense entertainment for a Monday night.

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