Greg Fleet: The Boy That Cried Sober

1 April 2013 | 2:22 pm | Jan Wisniewski

His raw delivery is sobering but there is no self-pity in Fleet's words and his interjections of wit (and some great accents) keep things from becoming too dour.

More Greg Fleet More Greg Fleet

A delayed start to proceedings in the Council Chambers has Greg Fleet entertaining the audience with a pre-show 'pitch report'. As the lights are dimmed Fleet remerges onto the stage to the sounds of The Man Who Sold The World. The comedy is weaved through tragedy as Fleet recounts wasted career opportunities, all underscored by his long-time heroin addiction. His raw delivery is sobering but there is no self-pity in Fleet's words and his interjections of wit (and some great accents) keep things from becoming too dour. Standout moments come when recounting his first radio interview with Avril Lavigne, and an encounter with some Glaswegian hard men. It's by no means stock-standard gag comedy but if you want to hear a hilariously honest account of one man's battle with addiction then head along and give Fleety some time.